Case Summary

For detailed case description, read the legal documents.


Full name: Jeffrey Lee Wood
Date of birth: 8/ 19 /74
Convicted: Killing a convenience store clerk during a January 1996 robbery in Kerrville, TX
Convicted under: The law of parties.
Previous record: None

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Co-defendant: Daniel Earl Reneau (executed on 06/13/2002)

Short case summary: At approximately 6:00 a.m. on Jan. 2, 1996, while Wood waited outside, Reneau entered the gas station with a gun and pointed it at Kriss Keeran, the clerk standing behind the counter. Reneau ordered him to a back room. When he did not move quickly enough, Reneau fired one shot with a 22 caliber handgun that struck Keeran between the eyes. Death was almost instantaneous. Proceeding with the robbery, Reneau went into the back office and took a safe. When hearing the shot, Wood got out of the car to see what was going on. He walked by the door and looked through the glass. Then he went inside, and he looked over the counter and ran to the back, where Reneau was. Wood was then ordered, at gun point by Reneau, to get the surveillance video and to drive the getaway-car.

Outstanding facts:

  • Wood suffers from severe mental, emotional, and learning disabilities. He was abused and beaten severely and repeatedly as a child. He is submissive to dominant behavior because of such.
  • At arrest Wood was forced into interrogation by the police and did not have council present. Wood was kept awake the entire time. He was refused sleep. He eventually confessed saying it was a planned robbery. He later revoked this statement.
  • Wood was found not mentally fit to stand trial. He was admitted into a mental hospital and a couple of weeks later was found ‘trial ready’
  • At trial, Wood was not satisfied with his representation. Wood asked to represent himself, but wasn’t allowed to do so. The judge found him not capable of doing this. The judge however, did not argue Wood when Wood said he would then order his attorney’s not to do anything. Result: Jeff had no witnesses during the punishment phase of his trial on his behalf.
  • The victim’s father, Charles Keeran, also would like to see Wood live. Charles Keeran also called the governor on the day of Daniel Reneau’s execution to try to keep the actual gunman from being executed.
  • “The death penalty, to me, is the easy way out,” he said. “If you had to be down there and get up every morning, as hot and humid as it is, knowing that you are going to spend the rest of your life locked up under those conditions, that’s punishment. That’s what I think my son would want for him.”

There are many additional facts that might be of importance, Jeff’s mental state being the most important factor. There are mental health records that date back all the way to his childhood.




I would like to clear the air on some things, but do not know how to go about doing it as some of it is exactly opposite of what has been portrayed on the news. (But this is what happens when you don’t have the money to pay for proper representation.) I always tell everybody…if they want thewhole truth then they need to get the testimonies of all who were present through all stages of the event/events.  I gave a lot of (the following) testimony to the lawyers, and to the investigator that Jeff had when he was first arrested, but none of this ever came up in court.  Why I do not know, but I need for everybody to know the FOLLOWING FACTS:

  • Jeff did not plan the robbery. He and Danny were approached by Bill, the manager of Texaco, who is the “mastermind” behind the whole robbery attempt in the first place.  (He turned states evidence, and did not get into trouble even though he walked them through how to do it step by step.)
  • At no point in time did Jeff ever plan to kill anybody. Jeff was threatened by Danny prior to the robbery. (In a room with 9 of us in there witnessing this fact.) Danny (the shooter in this crime who has already been executed by the state of Texas) told Jeff in front of all of us that if anybody ever “narked” on him that he would kill Jeff’s family starting with his daughter Paige.
  • The robbery was actually to take place on the 1st, but Jeff, and Kris (the person who was actually shot and killed (who was friends with Jeff)) backed out with the plan because they had a bad feeling about it.  (That is why it happened on the 2nd, and not the 1st.)
  • When the robbery took place on the morning of the 2nd, Jeff thought Danny was supposed to go in and get “road drinks and munchies.”  Danny decided to go through with the robbery on his own, and made the decision to kill Kriss on his own.
  • Right before they left the house that morning… Jeff told Danny to put the gun up, they did not need it; which he did in front of Jeff, but pulled it out again when Jeff went to the restroom.  (There are witnesses to this…and this is one of many things that the jury never got to hear.)
  •  Jeff, at the time of the robbery, was reminded about the “narking” comment, and went along with Danny in order to protect his daughter.